My resolutions this year are:
- I will buy one new thing each time I go for grocery shopping to experiment with it in my kitchen to create new recipes.
- I will eat something different each time I eat out, getting out of my comfort zone.
- I will eat less of red meat and more of seafood. Of course vegetables or legumes will always be there.
- I will not put the salt shaker on the dinning table to reduce the intake of raw salt in my diet.
- I will always take a packed lunch along unless going out for a lunch date.
- I will drink the whole glass of water and not drain the left over down the drain.
I am taking baby steps this year. Instead of making big promises I have made small ones, since I cannot seem to stick to my resolutions for more than a week. Aren’t we all guilty of breaking our promises especially the ones that are made on January 1st? Yet we never stop making them. I believe that is because they are usually impossible to incorporate in our already set way of lives. These ones will change my lifestyle a little, make me a little more adventurous, save me some money and save the world in the process. Of course, rest will remain the same.
1. I can’t do dieting. So I won’t.
2. I can’t be a total vegetarian. So I won’t try.
3. I can’t refrain from buying frozen food. I have two kids and I need to bribe them once in a while.
4. I can’t stop consuming caffeine. I have a mind numbing busy mornings.
5. I can’t go to gym thrice a week. It is boring and impossible. Will try for twice a week.
6. I can’t fit into my old jeans because of all the above. So I won’t even think about it.
But I will conserve water by drinking it all up. So you see, I am not a die hard health conscious, I eat everything cooked in any way, but I do have some simple rules to go by. This month I am sharing these with you as my New Year gift to you.
How to Grocery Shop
- Plan weekly meals ahead of time and have a shopping list. This helps to eliminate "splurging" on unhealthy foods. Hang the list on the refrigerator door along with a pencil where the items can be written the moment it comes to your mind.
- Spend more time shopping in the outer aisles of the store. Generally, these aisles have healthier, less processed foods.
- Know how to read food labels and make wise choices.
- Remember that "reduced" and "low" in front of words does not necessarily mean a food is healthy. It simply means that it is different than its original version.
- Limit the amount of processed foods you buy. They are often high in sodium.
- Buy poultry without skin to reduce fat consumption.
- Buy lean red meat. Even though it may cost a little more, there is less waste because there is less fat.
- Buy small packs of soda cans. They cost more but reduce the urge to pour more out of the big bottle and also can be stored for later if not used. The big bottles have to be finished soon or else it loses its fizz.
Take Action
- Eat breakfast every day
- Take a piece of fruit to munch on during your commute
- Don't skip meals; it could lead to overeating later
- Base meals around vegetables and grains rather than meat
- Plan meals ahead of time to reduce temptations for quick, unhealthy splurges
- Choose low-fat or low-sodium options when possible
- Substitute water for soda, tea, and coffee
- Cook foods by baking, broiling, or roasting rather than frying
- Avoid desserts, or try to find healthier choices like dark chocolate bites, nuts coated with maple syrup or fresh fruits.
- Watch portions. Keep portions regular or small; not "Super-Sized". Many times we overeat beause the serving size is two or three times bigger than needed.
- Reduce the amount of condiments used like ketchup and mayonnaise
- Order lean or grilled sandwiches rather than fried when eating out
- Order items without cheese
I wish you all a very simple, easy going and relaxed New Year. May we all do new things that will make a healthy long-term change in our lives. May we all be more creative, productive and a little frugal in our lives and in our kitchens.
I wish you a very creative New Year 2011.